The Night Shift

You can't be happy 3 days in a row | The Night Shift Ep. 2

Niiko Season 1 Episode 2

Ever found yourself with a scar from a seemingly joyous occasion? Picture my younger self, gleefully dancing around with a chocolate bar, only to trip and get a scar that’s a lifetime reminder of bittersweet childhood moments. Today, I’m sharing this story with you, and many others, as we journey together through reflections on manifesting your future, the influence of activity in Germany, childhood scars, and social media changes.

Ever wondered why aliens would visit Earth? To conquer us, or maybe, for a bit of intergalactic spring break fun? Let’s dive into this thought experiment together, and while we’re at it, let’s be nicer to our younger selves, seeking healthy relationships, and addressing the challenge of not feeling indebted to people. Sometimes, life is just about making each other happy, and not working ourselves to the bone. 

Join me as I share personal experiences on self-love, physical health, and wisdom gleaned from the older, yet active generation of Germany. Whether you want to share a laugh, a thought or need advice, reach out. But remember, it’s equally important to take a break, relax, and enjoy life's simple pleasures.

The Night Shift Socials:

TikTok: @nightshiftpc
Instagram: @thenightshift.pc
Twitter: @TheNightShiftP

Speaker 1:

Okay, alright, hello and welcome. Thank you for coming back to this podcast. It's me once again, nico, here, working the night shift. As you can tell, it is night. We can't really tell it's nighttime. Let's just for the sake of the title of the show, it's nighttime. You know, I'm not gonna not every episode might be filmed at nighttime. I'm just gonna go ahead and say that. But just know that this episode is filmed at nighttime. And yeah, thank you for the people that have watched my first episode. Thank you for all the love and support for that. You guys are so nice.

Speaker 1:

Usually, I'm so hard on myself when I create things and post it out there for the world. I'm so critical of myself, but I feel like for this, I just want to be a little bit nicer in terms of the things I put out there to myself and let's just see where it goes. You know, that's just that's it. I feel like the future that you want in life isn't like written in the storybooks. It's not written in the clouds, it's not written in the stars. It's literally what you make of it. It's the work that you put into. It is what you get out of it. The grass is greener where you water it. I learned that I heard that from a, from La Russell. He's a rapper from California, from the Bay Area. I've been following him for a few years. I love his mindset and he is a grinder. Like he grinds pause, actually grinder. That's aimed at an app for anyway he is with it, like in terms of getting to his bag, like I respect him so much. So, la Russell, if you hear this one day, thank you for the inspiration that you've given me. But yeah, man, thank you for coming back.

Speaker 1:

Episode two, baby. I tried to film an episode before this but I didn't really like where my mind was at, like I wasn't in a good headspace for that. So we're here again. My hat, it says I don't know what it says the better days are coming or something. Countdown, countdown to the weekend, essentially. And speaking of the weekend, I'm actually going to be seeing the weekend on Friday. I'm so excited about that.

Speaker 1:

I've actually never really been to a concert, like I've never actually this is actually crazy sounding Like now that I'm saying this out loud I've never been to a concert. I'm 29 years old. I've been, I've seen shows, I've been to like shows and stuff, but I've never actually like paid to see, like a big headliner or a big show like this, like this is. This is going to be my first time and it's the weekend. I've been a fan of the weekend since House of Balloons. When did that come out? 20, 2012? Yeah, that's when I started listening to the weekend and I've been a huge fan. I haven't really listened to a lot of his newer stuff. To be honest with you, I ain't going to lie to you. My biggest thing for the weekend, like I love the House of Balloons mixtape and that's been my go to. Don't get me wrong, I still like the weekend. I definitely hear songs of his from time to time, but I hope you play some of the songs from House of Balloons.

Speaker 1:

I bought these tickets so long ago, like over, I want to say like six months ago. It's been crazy. Like I bought them with the mindset that in six months, I'll find somebody that I want to go to this concert with, because I bought two tickets. And lo and behold, you know you manifest things that you want in life and you know, if that's a goal that's even partially in your mind, you will find a way to make that goal happen. And here we are six months later and I definitely have somebody to go to this concert with and I'm very grateful to know this person. So we're manifesting great things out here and for me, another manifestation is this podcast. It's a lot of work trying to like figure out how to get the podcast onto the different platforms that I want it on, and just even thinking of thoughts and ideas. I don't want to write scripts per se because I feel like that doesn't feel natural and that's just not me. I'm not a scriptwriter. Like I said, I want to get better at writing, but it's just not where I'm at right now. But yeah, so weekend concert this weekend. I'm so excited about it, my first concert.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I was browsing Reddit randomly and I saw some like, some like ask Reddit questions and one of them was what was the most underwhelming way you've gotten a scar, and the first comment I saw was my dad told me that he was bringing home a chocolate bar. I danced about it, tripped and fell and cut my face on the doorframe and for some reason, that like that hits, that hit home for me. Man, like you get happy about shit and then life finds a way to like bro, stop being happy. You know, like why can't I just be happy? Man, like damn, you can never enjoy shit. It reminds me because, like I have a few scars on my face. First, the one that relates to this more so is I've worn them on my like bottom lip, like chin area, like I hear probably can't see it because I have like facial hair covering it, but I got it.

Speaker 1:

I was playing outside. I was like nine years old at the time. I was playing outside, I was at, like I guess, my across the street neighbor's house and I was pushing some of my friends on like their swing set. So it wasn't the swing, but it's like there's like a, you know, like a boat like that you see at like a carnival that goes like back and forth, like it's like a giant boat on like a sea. So I don't know. So it was a two person swing, essentially, and me being me trying to go to the extreme.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to push my friends as high as we could possibly go and it must have rained like the day before, because I definitely felt like, immediately like I pushed them up and the second I got to the highest point, slip fall and you know, the force of two was I think they were both the same age as me Like just children fell. The boat fell on my like, like, hit me right into my bottom lip or, I guess, chin area, and I immediately had to go to the emergency room. But I was so reluctant to tell my parents that I was injured. Granted, I knew that it was bad because, like, the blood was like if it was gushing out of my face. It was not good.

Speaker 1:

But I think I think I wasn't supposed to be outside at the time, like I think my parents didn't want me to play outside. And you know, you know, back in the day I don't know if everybody has the same problem, I feel like it's some people can relate, you know, when, back in the day, like you're not allowed to have fun multiple days in a row, I don't know if that's a thing for a lot of people, but it was for me. Like you played outside two nights in a row or not tonight, but you, you smile two days in a row. You cannot possibly go outside the third day. And I don't think I was supposed to be outside because this was the third day and I was just happy, happy for three days. That's unfounded in this household. And I went outside. I was playing with my friends.

Speaker 1:

I came back with a huge scar on my face and my parents they look so disappointed at me and I was like I already know it. I was like, yeah, I'm sorry, guys, I shouldn't have been outside. I think I said that to them. I was literally gushing blood and had to go get rushed to the emergency room, but like I wouldn't even cry and I was like I'm sorry, guys, and they're like, all right, get in the car. They already knew what the fuck was going on, so I had to get 15 stitches on my chin area. Here there's like a giant, like gaping hole through the bottom of my lip. Now it looks like the LeBron James L on my just a big fat L on my face. Super unfortunate. And I think another scar I have on my face I don't know if it can be seen on this camera, can you see it? I do have a scar on my eyebrow, on my left eyebrow, that I also got around the same time.

Speaker 1:

I think I was seven at this time and you know, back in the day when you used to ride your bike with all your friends, things get a little competitive. You know, sometimes you got to prove to your friends that you're the fastest, which I was, by the way. There's really no comparison to me and my friends. Everybody knew I was the fastest and this was the day they found out. We were going around the neighborhood and there was this one hill that wasn't too steep, but it's definitely steep enough where you're going to pick up speed for sure. And it was a long hill and me and my friends were racing out on this hill and I was like I already know I'm going to win. So we was gunning it. I was going pshh what? Mach 3.4 at least.

Speaker 1:

And near the bottom of the hill it just so happened that I ran through like a little patch of sand. Like, first of all, where was there? Why was there sand? This is Massachusetts, bro. It was in some suburb in Massachusetts. There ain't no beaches. Anyway, there was sand in the middle of the street and I lost traction and I get the speed wobbles. You know, you got the whoa, whoa, your front wheels just starts going back and forth real fast, real fast. And all of a sudden the thing just like jackknives and I like Halo, freefold Halo, as in the video game where you know the master chief just be following, like, like his hands, arms and legs be flailing.

Speaker 1:

That was me falling off my bike, seven years old, going Mach 3.4 down a hill. Luckily, that was back in the days when I wore helmets when I rode the bike. So thank you for that. Thank you, mom and dad, for forcing me to wear helmets, because I could look way different right now if it wasn't for that. But, yes, messed my face all the way up.

Speaker 1:

Some random dude in the neighborhood just had to walk me to my house because he was the only adult in the vicinity Walked me to my house and I, like my parents, were like what happened. And then he I guess he saw everything because he was just sitting out in the middle in his like front lawn or something. I don't know what he was doing. He saw the whole thing, though Described it to my parents, also had to go to the emergency room for this, but before that I like went into the bathroom to just like look at my face and like this is going to sound like very like I don't know, narcissistic or conceited or I don't know what it's going to sound like, but I was so distraught and so mad at myself because, like I was, like I just made myself so ugly that's literally the first thing I said and I was so mad that all of a sudden I was ugly because I just had a huge scrape on my face and I thought I was permanent. But yeah, long story short, now I had to get seven stitches on my eyebrow. Like I said, I don't know if you can see it from this far away, but there's my left eyebrow, there's like a part of it that just doesn't grow hair since I was seven years old, because because I beat all my friends in a race. So I mean, at least they know that I'm faster than them and will always be faster than them. Because you know why, there's never a time where all of us are going to ride bikes together again. Like, who's riding bikes? Like that? I know. Actually I take that back.

Speaker 1:

It was to come to Germany. We ride bikes, because folks ride bikes out here like it's like it's just the thing to do, and I love that. I love that for them. People are so active out here. I love how many people are just walking around the streets riding bikes, just taking hikes. I'd be seeing grandmas and grandpas just walking through the forest taking hikes. They have like these little walking sticks, no matter where they are. They could be in the middle of the city, the train station, the damn shopping mall. They got their hiking sticks and they use walking like power walking. So big ups to them. Shout out to Omas and Opas out here in the Deutschland Love y'all.

Speaker 1:

Also, I poured myself a drink I want to come up with like a signature drink. You know, I don't know what it's going to be eventually, but let me just try. I'm experimenting right now. This is what juice did I have? It was apple, pineapple, passion fruit and carrot juice. It was like a mixture of that juice. It was like a juice that came in like a little plastic bottle that had all those juices in it and then I put some lime juice in there. Like you got some lime juice and got some spiced rum. And I ain't going to lie, this drink kind of it's kind of nice, it's kind of nice. I'm not going to lie to you. Only thing I would change is that I feel like the juice is like too sweet. I'm not a fan of the sweet drinks. I like it a little bit more sour. So I need to find, like a more sour juice. But, with that being said, this drink it is pretty good still. So I'm proud of that Spiced rum. I'm not really a rum guy, but you know, this drink is actually kind of doing it. It's kind of nice.

Speaker 1:

Do y'all have any like signature drinks? If there's a signature drink that you make for you and your friends or just for yourself, like whenever there's a time that you are in a drinking mood and you feel like mixing something together, like, is there a signature drink that you would like to call your own? If so, leave that in the comment section here on this On this YouTube channel. Well, granted, this podcast goes to multiple places. Leave the comment wherever you can leave the comment. Alright, I don't know where you're watching this or listening to this from, but leave a comment. And or you can hit me on the socials, which are night night shift shift at gmailcom, night shift PC on TikTok, the night shift dot PC on Instagram, or at the night shift P on Twitter or X.

Speaker 1:

Now I guess you should be saying there's not even Twitter anymore, it's, it's X. Like you know, obviously I'm not a billionaire CEO, so who am I to say? But I feel like an app that's been doing not just an app, but a social media app that's been doing well for such a long time. That's been called Twitter and is a bird, you know, as their symbol. For you to change that to just a letter to me that's crazy. But at the same time, what do I know I'm not a billionaire CEO that that makes a billion dollar moves. So I'm sure he has a plan in mind, that man by he I mean Elon Musk I'm sure Elon got a plan for the, for Twitter changing into X like this. I'm sure he knows what he's doing, but from the outside, looking in insane decision brother. You're doing crazy things. But hey, like I said, I am a billionaire CEO yet. Alright, that was quite the tangent to go off of that.

Speaker 1:

One question about the most underwhelming way you got a scar. So this one guy says I tried untying a knot with a fork. Like I get the logic, you know. I guess it's like a little like a pin needle, like object to try to get like in between the, the rope, to try to undone the corpus. Like don't be pulling toys your face, brother. Like you got to make better decisions than that. I ain't gonna lie, I'm full of bad decisions. But, like I don't know, I feel like I've learned since making these these, these scars on my face, to just not do things that bring harm towards my face. You know, I don't know. I I feel like I learned after, after the second emergency room visit for my face alone. So, yeah, no, no more of that.

Speaker 1:

I took a pair of safety scissors to my wrist because four-year-old me wanted to know how safe they really. Child logic is hilarious to me, man, like the world is such a new place to just find out everything at the same time. Just, they're called safety scissors. How safe really are they, bro? Let's see, let's put them to the ultimate test. Like, bro, there's so many ways you could have tested if they were safe or not. You put them to your wrist. That's crazy, bro. That's wow. Children are something else.

Speaker 1:

Man, I swear I was attacked by a chicken. Oh, that's like. Like in Zelda. Like if you, if you ever played the Zelda games like the most devastating enemy in the whole game is actually just chickens. Like if you hit them once, not a problem, hit them twice, okay, they're like running away from you. But if you hit them like back to back to back, then eventually there's a flock of chickens that literally come and kill you. Like you can try to fight them, but there's just too many chickens and that's like the only enemy in the game that ultimately kills you, no matter what I think. And so from now on, like every time I see a chicken in a Zelda game, I'm literally terrified, literally terrified. Brother, could not be me scratching mosquito bite too hard? Oh them, things do be itchy, though. I'm gonna lie to you.

Speaker 1:

Mosquito bites, mosquitoes, what, what like use do they have on this earth? You know not to like be rude to mosquitoes, enough in. But like, usually there's like a purpose for for certain animals and insects in the world, like a dung beetle, for instance. You know the poop it helps with decomposing of poop. I think that's what they do. Is that what they do? It's gotta be what they do. Why you messing with poop? Don't be, though. That's crazy. But mosquitoes, like what they just be spreading malaria, that's not good. Nobody was, nobody needs malaria. Mosquitoes are actually useless. I feel like. That's like. I'm sure there's others I'll see. I also have not done my research on mosquitoes, but I feel like you know, hear me, hear me out this could be a profound statement here. Mosquitoes need to go extinct because they are the only unuseful animal on the planet.

Speaker 1:

Are insects animals? Is that an animal? I'm sure it's got this the animal right. Or they call insects because they're insects brought up. There's so much in this world that I don't know. It's actually insane. But will I put effort into learning it? Probably not.

Speaker 1:

I have stretch marks where my limbs connect to my torso because I grew so fast that's. I mean stretch marks to me may not a problem really, but like if you're self-conscious about them, that sucks. Like you're probably not even like a, like a person that, like you know, usually you get them where your fat is coming up the most, I guess. So for you to get them just because you were getting taller, usually getting taller is a blessing and you got just marks for it. Like I said, that brings me back. You can never just be happy man. Sometimes you just want to enjoy things and then life finds a way to be like fuck you for being happy bro.

Speaker 1:

All right, I, I'm really excited about this drink, by the way, guys, my is it. Was there orange, no, passion fruit, apple carrots, bananas no, okay, I called it bananas because it's ananas in German but it's actually pineapple in English. And I found out, actually recently, that English is, like, I think, the only language that calls it pineapple, like even in Mandarin, russian, german, but just like a bajillion languages out there, that pineapple is actually called ananas and like in like damn near every language, but English is like the only language that calls it pineapple. So that's, why is that? What's going on with that? I get it, you know you're making your own language, you, you call it whatever you want, but like why go on? You know I'm saying what's wrong with that? What is a terrible name for a dog? Let's, let's see. The first answer is help, bro.

Speaker 1:

Imagine you're walking through the park and you know, you with your dog, you let your dog off the leash because you want to let your dog enjoy life to its fullest, unhinged. You know, go out there, go chase that butterfly. Don't kill it, perhaps, you know, but chase it. You know, have fun. You want to play fetch with your dog. Obviously it's not gonna be on a leash. So you thought it, you thought the dog, the tennis ball, and your dog goes and gets it. But then they just linger too far away. So you start yelling help in the middle of the park and now people are concerned. Now people are looking at you real funny like the grandma's look at me on the U-bond, for no damn reason. They just be staring at me like like they got a problem, like bro, what you trying to get into really? Anyway, yeah, yeah, naming your dog help is actually insane. That's hilarious.

Speaker 1:

I've never owned a pet and, quite frankly, I feel like I'm. I Say I'm not ready for a responsibility like that, but I mean like I could do it. I Just don't want to. I feel like I move around a lot, I'm not home a lot and I did. I personally I just don't want that responsibility. I'm probably ready for it, but I just don't want it. I could handle a pet, but yeah, no, thank you. But a dog named help, help, and you're saying it like happy. You're not even like yelling help in a frantic way like help, I need help, you help, oh, help. People will look at you crazy rightfully so too. Dumb ass, why'd you name your dog help? Weird ass. Anyway Was the guy my best friend was dating had a pair of chihuahuas named Bentley and Gabana.

Speaker 1:

Bentley was the later addition. After Dolce died she, when they broke up, his dogs unfriended me on facebook. Have you ever been unfriended by a pair of purse dogs? It'll make you think long and hard about your choices in life. You know, I feel like I feel like you kind of know the type of person you are when you have purse dogs that have instagrams. I know some people that got instagrams for their dogs. They're they're great people. So, to be fair, I mean, like you just gotta you just gotta know who. Maybe you just need to make better decisions. Not everybody that has dog instagrams are bad people. I've met some great dog instagramers. Uh, if you name your dog stay or any sort of command, really that just doesn't make sense. Not a not a good look, not a good look.

Speaker 1:

What else is out there? Oh, I'm seeing a post about aliens, but that reminded me I did see on the news that, uh, there was like some guy testifying like under oath, saying that aliens exist or that the us Government is in possession of like alien uh technology or uap's. They said not ufo's, but like Unidentified aerial phenomenons. I guess we're just calling it that now, not identified foreign objects, but the us Government is in possession of this and they've been trying to like reverse engineer, like essentially alien spaceships, which is actually insane if true. Granted, this guy is saying it under oath, so I mean, like it's wild if you're lying in that situation, but I don't know, like I guess it is so far-fetched it's hard to believe.

Speaker 1:

I would like to believe that aliens exist, because I don't want to think that we're In this vast Galaxy filled with millions, billions, trillions of stars and planets, that we just will happen be the only ones with life on it, because if that's the case, that sucks, but there's really no way, you know, like there's no way, like I think science has already discovered planets that, uh, have the possibility of Of having life on it, like they were saying, like it's in the the zone between, like the distance of earth and and sun that could grow water and and and plant life and whatever that could habitat or humans could survive on this planet, you know. So I feel like plant life or just life in general could exist, you know out there. So, for aliens exist, I don't think it's that far-fetched, but At the same time, think about it. Think about like, say, aliens come to, to visit the earth, like next month, and now all of a sudden there's like a giant mothership Over you know your hometown and it's just looming there, it's not doing anything, but it's there and it's there in full effect, like you see it, and Like it's just sits there and like spins slowly and it's fucking massive. It doesn't look like anything a human ever created. Like Can you imagine how terrifying that would be? Like, oh my god, like I'm trying to think about it right now, I would. I Shit myself. Like yeah, imagine they just come back, they just come here and I start demanding shit. Like, give me all your water or not all of it. I'm gonna give you all your water because we we did the math. You can survive with only 30%. You're gonna have to do some conservation, but you can. You can survive. And they just want our water. All of a sudden, like Knowing America, we're fighting back. Uh, for sure, but if you got a mothership that can fly galaxies away, you're really, you're putting us through the power on town for real. Like it, I don't think we're winning, is all I'm saying. Uh, so when they do defeat the humans and be like yo bro, stop trying to fight us, give me your water, bro.

Speaker 1:

Look at noble dip, like I imagine just the aliens coming and just like really just having our their way with, with the human race. It's like, bro, give me a matter of fact, passion fruit, passion fruit, apple, pineapple and and spice rum with lime juice. Yeah, give me all of it. Give me all of your passion fruits. That's not good. I, I like passion fruits from time to time.

Speaker 1:

Look, why would you take that from me? Like I, you're taking away my happiness and uh, oh, or hear me out, hear me out. What if you know? What if the aliens are just bad as hell? You know what I'm saying? Like what if the aliens just be looking good for no damn reason? And like what if they just there's here to just like chill? Like they come here for spring break or something. Like they see planet earth, like like we see Panama City Beach, florida. They see this place as like just ratchet debauchery time. Like they, they come here to do Shit that they normally wouldn't do back home because, like their parents are around, they got work friends that are around. They come here to just really live it up. They, they see us as Panama City Beach like, oh man. Like they come here to just let loose. Like, oh, my god, we're gonna party with the humans like they're friendly and they just want to have a good time, like that'd be so lit. I feel like that's what we need. I feel like that's what the earth needs right now, with all the global warming going on, with all the the just bad things. There's Freaking coos going on in in in African countries. There's wars going on in European countries. We need Our alien brethren to come here and use the planet earth as Panama City Beach. Pick up your trash, though, but you know I'm saying, come here to have fun. I feel like that would be kind of cool. Oh, this is a good question.

Speaker 1:

What is some advice you wish you could give your 18 year old self? I? I know I said it in the first episode, but I'm just gonna just like say, right here, I wish I told like I could just like go back and tell myself to just be nicer to myself and just stop being so critical, so mean to myself. Stopped being so like self depreciating or deprecating Is that the word I'm looking for. Stop being so negative towards myself. And, you know, take a little bit more chances. Do some more things that you actually want to do instead of just Following the, the guidebook that you think is how to get become successful. Granted, you still did well for yourself. I'm proud of you, 18 year old me, but at the same time, just be nicer to yourself, man. But I digress, Don't feel so indebted to people, don't work so hard.

Speaker 1:

Look for healthy relationships, including platonic. Were you just make each other happy? I think that's huge. That is huge. Looking for healthy relationships, including platonic, I think the in parentheses he put including he or she put including platonic, and I feel like I don't have enough.

Speaker 1:

Like platonic relationships with, like you know, obviously, the opposite sex. Um, like usually the, the women that come into my life, like either their work friends and obviously I'll just know you for work, but it usually ends up becoming something that you know, turns into a let's just call it More than friends and eventually, because of this, uh, I usually see it as like I don't want this to become anything more like I'm not trying to be more than friends. Like we, yes, we might have messed around here and there and then, all of a sudden, now we cannot be friends forever. Even though you might have had a great personality, you might have done this, you might have done that great. And Now, because of this one, you know One or two or three times that we've had, uh, a little bit closer interactions. Now we can no longer be friends and that kind of sucks. You know, I, I always like to be friends, but like I just I'm just. Maybe it's me, maybe I'm not putting enough effort into that, who knows. But Don't feel so indebted to people.

Speaker 1:

Don't work so hard. Look for healthy relationships in parentheses, including platonic, where you can just make each other happy. I think that's huge, honestly. I don't feel so indebted to people. Yeah, stop. I think for me that's like a work thing. I feel like the work that I'm doing is constantly just like making somebody else's dream come true. You know, uh, yeah, you know, try to find something that makes you happy. Granted, if your job makes you happy, then so be it.

Speaker 1:

But for me, I hate the fact that there's somebody that I can call boss. You know or not, even that I just I don't like taking orders from people. I don't know if it's like a problem with authority or something like that, maybe that's what it is, but I hate knowing that somebody can tell me what to do in my day to day, like that kills me. It kills me, like I hate that to my core, knowing that somebody can tell me when to do this or when to do that, why I should be doing this and what I should be doing at this time and from that time, granted, my job's not that critiqued, but you know, to be fair, like you know it's, it's, it is kind of like that. So I'm not even gonna go into detail as to what that is.

Speaker 1:

But, yes, don't work so hard. Yeah, that goes without saying. The next comment actually says don't work so hard. But also, you need to work kind of hard now so you don't have to work as hard later. Life is hard. That that is true For me, because I'm doing a job that I kind of don't wanna do and I have passions outside of that.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes I get hard on myself because, like, I'm really hard on myself when I, when I tell myself, like oh man, you're not putting enough effort into the things that you wanna do outside of work, whether it be photography, whether it be this podcast, whether it be making videos or music or whatever that creative outlet is, I get so negative towards myself that I'm not putting enough effort into it. But it's like you're working hard at your job and that takes a lot of energy and mental energy and you're you're fatigued when you come home and sometimes all you wanna do is just like decompress, and sometimes doing your hobby. Sometimes your hobby is not always an easy thing, you know, and that also takes work. And for me, I get so negative at myself when I'm like, oh, you don't put enough effort into the things you wanna do. And, granted, sometimes being negative kind of helps me push myself into that, which is what drives me doing this podcast from day to day. I want this to work, I want this to go somewhere Like I can envision it being something more than what it is right now, but I know it's only gonna come with me putting work into it, you know. So I think working kind of hard now so you don't have to work as hard later is huge. I'm essentially working on your hobby to make it. I guess your job, or the way you make your living, is essentially having two jobs. Right now I have my main job where I go to work, put in uniform, blah, blah, blah, go into the office and then I come home and I work on this and essentially it's like having a second job, because all the steps that go into producing something like that and yeah, I just this goes back. I wish I was nicer to myself when I had my creative outlets and I didn't have the effort or didn't feel like there were something that was super good, just because, like usually, I'm starting off. I never gave myself enough time to get consistent with things, I guess back on the day with that. So working hard now is huge.

Speaker 1:

If you have anything that you wanna do in life that's outside of work, but it's your hobby, you know it's your passion. Or even if you don't know what your passion, even if it's something you just wanna try out, that's outside of work, I want everybody to at least try a new hobby. If they don't already have a hobby, try something outside of work. Who knows it might help you mentally, it might help you financially, who knows it might help you in some way? And if you don't enjoy work, I please, please, please, try to find a hobby. If nothing else, even if you don't do anything that much with it, try to find a hobby that you at least enjoy for even a sliver of a moment of your day. All right, what's the next one saying this may or may not be me trying to find general life advice. Yeah, okay, yeah, that was the guy that posted this question. What is something, some advice you wish you could give to yourself at 18 years old? He was saying this may or may not be me trying to find general life advice.

Speaker 1:

The next guy said I'm 28 now and when I was 18, I moved five hours from home to college. Bro, actually that's a long ass comment, bro, ain't, no way I'm finna. Read that. Avoid, okay. The next comment saying avoid the elderly people who offer you a beer in the trailer park your family just moved into. The old woman will offer you meth without either of you knowing what it is, what it was, and you'll be addicted for the next eight years. Bro, I mean, yeah, I guess that's something you could probably tell to your 18 year old self. God damn bro, yeah, don't take meth from anybody, really, not just necessarily the old people in your trailer park, but like I guess for him, that's more specific for them. The next guy says holy fucking shit, yeah, bro, god damn bro, jesus, I'm sorry my dude. Yeah, I wish somebody could have told you that Back on your 18, holy. Next comment, seriously. If some woman isn't in trip, if some woman isn't interested in you, move on. Don't go all out to impress them that and you are fine financially. Don't listen to others. Damn. True, true, true, true.

Speaker 1:

Like I used to have weird like anxiety trying to approach like women back in the day, like to the point where I'm like man, why am I like this? Like why I just think, yeah, this goes back to be just me being so negative on myself. I used to think that like I was just like an ugly person or maybe it's have a gloss of confidence. I used to have a Huge gap in between my front teeth, like right here, right, right, right in between my front teeth. Then I have since closed using Invisalign braces which were a god send, by the way. I love those, but I I think that was a part of the fuel for me feeling like unattractive, like I used to not like smile in pictures.

Speaker 1:

I used to just feel so self-conscious and that was like, even though people would be like, oh man, you look great, you look like this, you could be an actor, you should do this, you should go into that, like they people would tell me things, but I thought they were just saying that just to try to be nice. You know, not necessarily because I looked good, because, like, I truly did not feel attracted, not to say that just because I Don't have a gap in between my teeth I feel attracted now. I just Matured and learned to have appreciate myself now and I definitely feel attractive. I feel I feel I feel sexy, feel grown, feel good. You know I'm saying, but like, yeah, I Can't stress this enough just be nice it to yourself. Even if you aren't 18 and you're older. You're older than me, I'm 29, you could be my age, you could be older than me.

Speaker 1:

This advice could go to any age, at any moment in your life. Please be nicer to yourself. Unless you've done some crazy shit like named your dog help. No, don't be nice to yourself. Then you, you're numb for that. You shouldn't have made that mistake. But yeah, and also, you are fine financially. Don't listen to others. Yes, this is probably a comment that they could tell to themselves, but sometimes, sometimes you're not fine financially. Ain't a lot? Even there was times where I was not fine financially, bro Holy. There was times where Every semester in schools, like bro, am I really about to? How am I gonna pay for this semester, how we gonna do this. Like they like took me out of the classes I had to Reapply for, like the financial aid again. It's crazy. Back in the days things were, things were hard, but we're good. Now we're drinking.

Speaker 1:

Look, young, young Nico night caps, you know, is that is that the name of the drink? Did I just come out with a banger? I don't want this to be the drink, though, cuz like it's still kind of it's too sweet. I want something sour. I need to find Maybe a different like juice base, but it means still good. So good, nico nightcap. That's pretty good. That's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

All right, build your identity outside of a partner or your family. Big words, big words, yes, if you like, only associate with your family and your partner and, like, you know, I feel like once Not necessarily saying that like they're gonna be gone out of your life, but like sometimes, you know, always with that partner, say, this partner is somebody that you dated when you were 18 and 1920, and then who you were at 18, 19 is not. You're not gonna be the same person as you were when you're 25 if you, you know, continue to grow as a person. At least for me that's how it was and for them, as for the seeming like you build your identity like I Feel like that's kind of a problem I had back in those days, back when I was like 1920. I felt like who I was dating at the time is like it's gonna sound cringe, but like I tried to identify with them so much but instead of like being truly who I was and yeah, I don't know like looking back at myself, that's like it's such a oh, it's disgusting thinking about it. I was so cringe, that's so, yeah, I'm so mad at myself for, but I shouldn't be mad. That's who I was. You did great. You learned from it. Obviously, you're not with that person anymore. So, congratulations, 19, 20 year old me, granted, you made some crazy decisions back then, but here you are now. You're doing great. Be nice to yourself. Stretch often, even if you don't work out, your 30 plus year old self will appreciate it. Bro, that is, you know it. Wow, that man just spoke. That should be in the Bible. Really, I'm not even religious like that, but it should be somewhere where more people can see that. Because, yes, I don't feel like people do that enough at all, not necessarily even it's just stretch. But like I Understand some people that don't like working out because it's like it's a lot of effort, but like, please, y'all try to find some activity that raises your heart rate, that raises, you know, yeah, your activity level, whether it be going on walks, listening to music or something. And please be more active in life. Guys at a younger age, and once you, if you can try to be, if you can find a way to make being active consistent, it's huge because, like that'll just like calm down and even if it's just a walk every day, even if it's just a walk every day, like your body will thank you for it.

Speaker 1:

I've noticed that with the, the, the old people here, the old people here, they're seemingly like still pretty coherent, surprisingly, like they look an old but like still having full-on conversations, still going out to restaurants with each other, like it's it's huge. And I see a lot of old people riding bikes here, like, like I've been seeing grandma riding bikes past me when I was riding my bike cuz like I'm I know a lot of you, I don't like bikes. Like home back in the States, I Seen grandma ride a bike up a hill past me like I was some sort of like baby back Bitch. That shit made me feel horrible about myself. I was like ain't no way. Grandma really just passed me, bro. So, yeah, did I slash her tires afterwards perhaps? But you know that we, we, we get better at riding bikes.

Speaker 1:

But yes, I see a lot of old people like here they're, they're taking walks, like I said, with their walking sticks, everywhere they're. I just love how, how people are outside here, even in the rain. I think there was a saying that we are not made out of sugar. Therefore, like that's why they're still out in the rain, I think that, yeah, just like a German saying, we are not made out of sugar, meaning like the water's not gonna make you melt away, you know, so they're. Just, I love that. I love how active this community is out here, or society, I should say. But yeah, I um, I Don't know how long have I been filming this episode. Let's, let's, let's, take a little gander at that. Okay, okay, we, we had 40 minutes. That's crazy, all right, I Think.

Speaker 1:

I think the moral of this episode here today, guys, is, truly and honestly, just make the effort to be nicer to yourself. I don't know if everybody's as mean as they are to themselves, as I am. But you know, I feel like everybody could take Just a step back. Think about where they are right now. Think about where they were before and Try to appreciate the the progress that they've made. It doesn't have to be the same amount of progress that somebody else that they're comparing themselves to, but and that's the thing, stop comparing yourself to other people. You are you. This is your life. They're living their life. You're living yours. Try to be nicer to yourself. This is the only life you got.

Speaker 1:

If there's something you want to do in life, it might not be easy, but you can do it. Try to make the effort to, to seek your own happiness. Either your story is not written in the stars, it's not written in a in a stone, anywhere like it's not set in stone. Your story is what you make of it. So what are the grass around you? And the grass will be greener on your side. Please make the effort To make your happiness where you want it to be. If you're happy now, more, more applause towards you. You know I love that for you.

Speaker 1:

If you're not as happy as you feel like you should be, then Let this moment, right here, be the moment where you make the first step in making your life just that much happier. Your, you owe it to yourself to be as happy as you can in this life. So, yeah, yeah, guys, that's that's really it. You know, be nice to yourself. Smile At yourself a little bit more. You don't have to smile for other people, don't? You don't have to do anything for anybody, unless you got kids. Be nice to your kids, man. They're your kids, me. Be nice to your kids. But, with that being said, guys, I absolutely love y'all.

Speaker 1:

If you're watching this, this is what about to be my second episode on this pot. Honestly, I'm so excited about this having a creative outlet. This is huge for me, man. I love this. I love just talking and and speaking to a camera and into this microphone, and I'm grateful to be here, guys. I'm grateful that you are here watching this. And yeah, man, this is the night shift and I'm Nico, you boy.

Speaker 1:

I have socials and my emails. I'm gonna read them off one last time and you can message me there. If there's any sort of prompts or any sort of questions or any sort of, you know, issues that you got going on in your life, I can speak on that in any sort of way. Really, who knows whether it be a comedic way or there be a self-help way. Granted, I'm not a psychologist, but you know, I just be saying words and hopefully they do something in a positive way towards you, who knows? But my email is night night shift, shift magic email, calm. My tiktok is night shift PC. My Instagram is the night shift dot PC and my Twitter is the night shift P.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, guys, I thank y'all for watching. I love you. I will catch y'all next time. And yeah, man, Enjoy, uh, enjoy yourself a little nightcap. Who knows if you're watching this at night? You're doing things right, because this is the night shift and it should be dark where you are, unless it's like early in the morning. Then You're about to start the day shift and that's tough. Actually, I do have work tomorrow. I should go to sleep. Problem crazy. Why am I doing this right now? I gotta go, guys. I love you. Okay, bye. I.