The Night Shift
The Night Shift
Summer in London | The Night Shift Ep. 5
Do you ever wonder how much can change over the course of a simple trip? Well, let me share with you the surprising growth spurt my cacti went through while I was away in London with my family. We navigated through the city's baffling road networks, got shocked by cars driving on the 'wrong' side, and braved some heart-stopping turbulence. Yet, the resilience shown by my girlfriend during the flight and the unexpected growth of my indoor plants filled me with awe and gratitude.
Our journey doesn't end here. This podcast episode is a hearty mix of life-altering reflections, hilarious anecdotes, and thought-provoking discussions. We mull over the importance of embracing the present moment and the interesting story of Michael Oher. You won't want to miss our take on the potential inaccuracies in the movie 'Blind Side' and a Reddit thread that had us in splits!
As we navigate through this episode, we also delve into some intense conversations around the dynamics of male-female friendships and the unspoken repercussions of a 'friends with benefits' scenario. We also address the potential pitfalls of job titles and the significance of respect and equality. To add a dash of fun, we conclude our chat with a brainstorming session on unique names for my beloved cacti. So gear up for a rollercoaster journey filled with laughter, introspection, life lessons, and much more.
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She asked me what I'm doing and I'm saying baby, I'm record. Have you seen these plants? Look at my, my monstera. She healthy. Look how healthy she is. She's been Growing at an alarming rate Despite me being away.
Speaker 1:For what is it? Eight days? I was gone for eight days and I come back and there's new little leaflets. Can I show the leaflets? Okay, this one's a little bit newer than the rest of them. There's newer ones down below, but it is this one's a little newer. You, she'll see a light-scan leaf, little little light-scan leaf. You see it. You can tell it's new because it's light skin. That is that how plants work.
Speaker 1:Hello and welcome back. I actually didn't even see you there because the Sun is still out and it's called a night shift, but it's night shift somewhere. So you know you just coming by surprise for you being here so early and you know at I've been gone for a few days. I was spending some time with my family. We came to London and it was an amazing time. I just I can't Wow.
Speaker 1:I love traveling, I absolutely love traveling, and especially getting to share that experience with my family is who? It's one of my favorite experiences, like ever, like I, just I need to make it a plan to try to do more of that. But to my surprise, while I was gone, I came back to notice my plan is doing so well for itself. Have you wanted your plans? That's really what I'm trying to get at. What's the last thing? Me? Why did your plans? They probably beckon for water right now Go. What do you plant?
Speaker 1:But yeah, I turned 30 in London and it's such a huge like milestone for me. Like I know, aging is like a weird touchy subject for few and for you know obvious reasons there's, or for different reasons for different people, but for me, aging is is a privilege. I'm grateful that I'm able to live such a life where I'm able to be this healthy and still Enjoy life the way I can at 30 years old. I know that's not old to some people as old if they're you super young, but for most people it's not a not old age, but for me it's. It's a blessing and I'm grateful to say that I am now 30 and To be able to spend that time in London with my family just too good to be true, really. One of the the highlights was just the fact that I haven't seen my family in over a year because I've been living out here in Germany, which is crazy to think about. Time flies real fast, man, so try to do more things that you enjoy in life instead of letting life push you around. Try to take life more by the horns and Do the things that matter to you and for me, I think traveling and spending time with the people I love is. I'm sure a lot of people could say the same thing, but it's that I hold that really dearly to my heart.
Speaker 1:Let me actually start with the flight there, the flight to London. Granted is not a very long flight from Germany to London, but I feel like the pilot just like had like a Turbulence button that he would just like flick on every now and again because the turbulence was crazy on that, on that plane, like there. I Know turbulence is a thing, but for some reason that turbulence just felt, it felt manufactured, it felt synthetic, it felt like they did that shit on purpose. You know, like for some leave.
Speaker 1:Okay, there was a time where we were just flying, we just cruise into the sky, like you know, like a plane does, and all of a sudden I just felt like we were falling straight down, like no warning, just like all of a sudden we're going down, and he was like, yeah, turbulence, yeah, we're gonna have a little bit turbulence. It's like, bro, the whole pet, whole plane, and like I Don't understand it. And then all of a sudden just stops, you know, everything's good again. Two minutes later we're falling again, like literal, spiraling out of the sky. And then you know, all of a sudden we just like stop spiraling and then go straight again and it's like everybody's calm again. Hey, to be fair, like what are you gonna do? You gonna panic? What is panicking gonna do? My girlfriend next to me, she was literally while the turbulence was going. We're all like, oh, everybody in the plane was like freaking out. She was just like there, just Just like chilling, like playing, falling at an alarming rate, and she's literally chilling, not even Didn't even I don't know like the the whole situation. She didn't bat an eye, she was just like. You know, it is what it is, I guess, if we fall, we fall and it's like, wow, I need that level of resilience, I need that. It's amazing.
Speaker 1:But no, getting there was such a Interesting sight to see. When you get off the plane, you start going to like the streets and stuff and you see People driving on the opposite side of the car that you're used to. That's actually my first time seeing that. I've definitely seen a car where the driver's side is on the opposite side, but that's just like a one-off car, like, oh yeah, I've got a new not a new, but a GT R skyline, gt R R 34 and I got a ship from Japan. Yeah, this is like a one-off car.
Speaker 1:But to see that, like every car is like that over there, obviously with that with it, with the Driver's side on on the left side, no, with them driving on the the right side of the car, they also drive on the left side of the road, like driving forward and it's. It's so jarring to see that it's. It's mind-blowing. Like I was walking across the street when I first got there and I Saw it like a child, where I thought the driver's seat should have been. I was like, is that a child Driving a SUV? Like what's, please stop. And then, obviously, as you look harder than I, noticed he was a passenger and it's like it was so concerning.
Speaker 1:And I say that to to say I applaud the drivers of London. I don't know how you're doing that. I don't know how you Managed to just come to terms with. This is how you have to live. But I'm driving in London looks atrocious all of the roads there are. It looked like as if, like a spider web got like messed up and then the spider had to like rebuild a messed up web and then somebody messed it up again and then on his third try just like said fuck it, I'm just gonna put web wherever I want to. And then that's where they just map the roads off of that, because the roads there are stupid. Like there's not one straight road there. All the roads have like some sort of turns and then if you want to get from point a to point B Like there's not a single straight line to get there you have to take five turns. You got to take a, like an underground highway, then you got to take a bridge and then you got to go left and then right, and then I Just I Am not jealous of their driving situation, to say the least, but I digress, it was a great experience nonetheless.
Speaker 1:We went to a damn damn Chelsea game. I took my family to the Chelsea game and Unfortunately I was not able to get like a normally priced ticket to this Chelsea game. Yeah, all the tickets were like sold out like stupid fast really and so I had to go to some like third-party website to buy these Chelsea tickets. It was like Chelsea RS or something shit like that, I don't know it was. It was legit. You know, I got my tickets, we wanted a game, but it felt sus at the time. So I bought these tickets and it came with like a lounge experience.
Speaker 1:So we were the stadiums called Stanford Bridge and we went to this lounge called under the bridge when, when we got in there, they handed a champagne. We had like this little, we had a little nook to ourselves, little little seating area. People would come with more drinks and more food and more like snacks and desserts. It felt like a first-class ticket at a sporting event, like I've never even Experienced anything like it. I've been to other sporting events but it's usually I just buy the ticket and just go sit in the seat and then that's really it. But there it was like all you could eat food, all you could drink alcohol and regular drinks and everything like it was, and on top of that, like the seats that we were at were actually really good seats too.
Speaker 1:You Come on Chile. Hey my son, oh, no way. What a save, what a save, what a save, what a save. Hey, I don't really follow the sport as closely as he does, but I just knew for a fact I wanted to take him one day to a home game in Stanford Bridge to watch Chelsea play. And not only did we do that, we had like the first class experience and we got to see the win 3-0, which is like it almost felt too good to be true, but that was reality. So, wow, I'm very proud of that moment. I'm actually very happy about that. I know it's been quite a while since that happened and I'm still smiling about it. The day before that was my birthday. I turned 30.
Speaker 1:The day before the Chelsea game, my sister took me and my family to this 39th floor of this building called Sushi Samba. It was an amazing view of all of London. The food was phenomenal, drinks were amazing. It was just a great experience altogether. It was almost like a Japanese, brazilian tapas restaurant that's pretty much how the food was and delicious it was just amazing. We did a shit ton of walking during that London trip and, unfortunately, the timing of it all, my mother, who I haven't seen in a while. She had broke her toe two days before coming to London. So that was quite the doozy to deal with while we were there, man, it was quite the experience. I was feeling so bad. We did so much walking while we were there and I felt so bad.
Speaker 1:My sister's boyfriend bought those little scooters that you put your foot on and you just like wee, woo, wee. You know what the scooter, you know what I'm talking about. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't even ask questions. You're supposed to put your injured leg on the pad and then you can use your other leg to propel you forward in a scooter fashion. So I bought one of those for my boyfriend.
Speaker 1:My sister's boyfriend bought one of those for my mom and unfortunately she wasn't really messing with that thing too. She wasn't vibing with it. You know, like I don't know. I feel like everybody else in the family used it more than she did. I actually had a blast on that thing. It was so much fun, but she did not like it at all, like I guess she just wasn't. I don't know. She just didn't. She didn't have the you know, the push to break ratio down. So it. Just it wasn't. It wasn't working with her, so she did a lot of walking with broken toe, but we wrapped it up really well. You know, we did our thing. So I want to say she was, she was fine, because she didn't allude to her not being fine, so everything was amazing. We saw all the sights, all the foods. Great experience Somewhere in London was a great success.
Speaker 1:After the trip in London and after seeing my family for the first time in over a year, made me realize, like, just how much time I'm spending doing things I don't want to do, like like work. I don't want to work anymore and, quite frankly, I feel like it's taken a lot of my happiness and it's taken a lot of my energy and time away from a lot of the things I want to be doing in life. And I seeing my family and being able to travel with them. It was a huge eye-opener for that for me. In that regard, it just made me realize just how much, how feeble life is because you know nobody's getting any younger, you know my parents getting older, I'm getting older, everybody's getting older, and that trip for me, it just motivated me to think more about the actions that I'm doing in my life, the actions that I'm taking in my life that lead me to where I'm going, because, you know, life is so finite you never know what you're going to get, you never know when things are coming, when things are going, and just being able to do the things with doing all those things like traveling and seeing sights and eating great food with all the people that I love was such an amazing time and I just want to do more of that, and I know I can manifest a life where I can do more of that way more often.
Speaker 1:So sometimes it takes like a smack in the face to let you know that, hey, you got to take life in your own hands, and I feel like that was a good smack in the face to essentially telling me that there's more in life than just you know saying, here at work and every day going to work, being unhappy, yes, you're making a good salary, but hey, you know, at what cost does it come with, you know? So, yeah, guys, I say that to say this Please do more of the things that you want to do. I'm really saying this out loud to tell myself this that I want to do more of the things that I want to do because you never know where life takes you guys. I try to stay up on my phone while I was on vacation, because I'm on vacation to spend the time with the people I love and see all the sights. I was mainly on my phone mainly for directions and stuff like that, but before I got to London I had seen on the news or on Twitter that I don't know if you ever saw the movie Blind Side, but you know the football player, michael Ower.
Speaker 1:They were saying, or he was saying, that the movie Blind Side was actually a lot of. It was a lie. Yeah, it was saying that they didn't even adopt him. The family that adopted him, I guess, in the movie, made millions of dollars off of that story and they're making royalties off of the movie and I don't think Michael Ower without him, the story wouldn't even exist. I don't think he got a dime from that which is close to something like damn wait.
Speaker 1:When you think the world is like, oh man, things are being sweet, look how nice this was, what a great story. It's really all about money at the end of the day and it's like it's a damn shame sometimes when you see things like that. I know it's totally random, but like that just was something that caught my eye While we were traveling. I was like, bro, there's no way I was. I was actually in shock when I saw that, because I remember watching that movie. Was it like middle school when I watched that movie and I was like, oh wow, what a great movie, everything's great, just happy, every ending type, shit, and I Don't know man, childhood ruin, loki, uh.
Speaker 1:But and then I even saw people on twitter that was like ranting that santa bullock should lose her, her, her oscar for that role, which is I. I don't agree with that. You know, like she was just acting In a role that she was like hired for. You know she didn't have anything to do with the story, she just got hired for the role, you know. So, like, why should she get punished for that? So don't agree with that. But it's like, damn bro, like getting out of the family and not the actors you know that's actors and actresses, it's. It's a shame really. But that's just something that caught my eye randomly and I was my mind was blown. I couldn't believe it.
Speaker 1:So I was, you know, just perusing through reddit as one does, and came across a funny question of the day and uh, it is, what's the worst reason you hooked up with someone? Uh, first response was my first long-term girlfriend cheated on me. Uh, when she went off to college we broke up. About two months later she got hit by a transportation bus and lost her leg. We had seen each other a couple of times after her recovery and hooked up. Years later I meet another girl with the same name through a different ex, and she had also lost her leg too. I was thinking what are the odds of Someone being able to say that they've slept with two girls with the same name, with both with missing a leg? So I did the deed.
Speaker 1:Some people, some people, I feel like they have sex like for the memes. You know, like, I guess that's kind of what life is about. You know you live life to be able to tell cool, cool stories. Don't let your dreams be dreams, as Shia LaBeouf would say. You know Shia LaBeouf would be proud. I think this, this, some people have such a different perspective on what they want to do in their lives, man, but hey, that's what makes life beautiful People do different things. If everybody was doing the same thing, I guess life would be just Just so boring. Girls who cheat and lose a leg in a horrific accident. Take note this guy's kind of funny. Okay, okay, enough of that. Enough of that.
Speaker 1:Next one this one just automatically deleted, bro. It has five rewards. People like gift you, like a little award for your coming, for a comment being like great. But it's been deleted and it has 14,000 likes. I'd truly wonder what that could have been, bro. Oh my god, she was hitting on my friend and he wasn't down. So he said save me, reverse wingman, you reverse wingman out of falling on a grenade for your comrade, yikes, yikes, that's have. Has anybody ever reverse wingman for them? Like, have you ever quote-unquote fell on the grenade for your friends? I Feel like that's. Falling on a grenade is different than just being the reverse wingman, it's trying to. I think, uh, falling on the grenade has been like more, more or so like when there's like a group of girls. You're a guy You're trying to talk to maybe one specific girl out of the group and she might have a friend that's, you know, not the one you're into, to say the least. So you have to be the friend and Talk to the other one, and sometimes the talking to leads to more, and that's all I'm gonna say about that. But that's essentially what falling on the grenade is.
Speaker 1:I, damn son, was offered a box of donuts in exchange for my sex. She only ended up getting me half a dozen, still feeling so I still feel some way about it. She gave you half, bro she. Is that really what you're worth, son? You're worth six donuts. Is that your body's worth six donuts, bro? Not even a whole dozen. She's skimped out on you and you still fell, for You're a victim. Brother, seek help.
Speaker 1:Ali, we both had the same name and thought it would be fun to call out our names in the heat of it. That's Jokes aside. You're y'all really making jokes during, like the deed you know, say you're in bed with which already, and I guess it depends on the relationship you all have, but You're really out there making jokes in the, in the, in the heat, in the moment. I don't know man. So everybody's different, I guess, but that's just not something I've ever Seen the need to be doing. But I'm trying to think have I even met another like? I've met other yonics that were, were males, and I know the name yonik is multiple female name because I've heard that that's a thing, but I've actually never met another yonik that was a female I've met. I've met four other like male yonics since I come to Germany, because apparently it's somewhat common out here. Who knows who would have thought also it's time for a drink. You got me a little little green red bull, uh uh. You see it, I don't know if you can it kind of matches the, the do right a little, just a little bit. Just. You know what I'm saying green do right, green green rebel. Let me let me All right, moving on.
Speaker 1:Almost dated in high school, had a falling out in college and didn't talk for years until we both attended a mutual friends wedding. We were the only single people there and neither wanted to go home empty-handed, so we didn't damn. That seems almost contractual. You know it's like Did, did you do the all? Just really not fuck with each other. You almost I did in high school.
Speaker 1:But then, like you had a falling out in college, like it's either like meant to be or it's like bro, just go, you need a widen your circle. Like why are you still talking to this person? It almost doesn't seem worth it. But hey, what do I know my best friend. I'm a male, she's female, hadn't had sex in a year and asked me we stopped being friends and in any capacity after that. That's, that's tough You're. Your whole relationship just went down the drain after after one night, one night of fun after, uh, yeah.
Speaker 1:So it almost seems like the question arises like Can men and women be friends, like truly actually just be friends, like say that there's any sort of like Sexual attention or animosity in between y'all, like Does that ever just not lead to anything? Because, like, sometimes when it does, it ends up like that, or maybe it ends up more than y'all actually end up in a relationship. And then, I don't know, for some reason, in my experience I just feel like things like this usually end up Negatively. If you weren't pursuing an accrual relationship with that person, or unless you know, you guys just have it like that and it just becomes like a friends of benefit situation. But if it's not going that way, it usually ends up like this you don't speak in any capacity after that.
Speaker 1:Damn son. Or maybe the sex was just bad for them, who knows? He cheated on me with his roommate's girlfriend, so obviously his roommate and I hooked up for some revenge. It was excellent and I regret nothing. Fair play, fair play, really. I actually applaud you. It just seems like, uh, like the natural occurrence of things. That's how it should have been.
Speaker 1:I Felt unattractive after my ex cheated on me and I needed someone to tell me I wasn't Okay. I mean, there's always gonna be somebody out there to do that, especially as if you're a I guess, a woman, you know there's always gonna be, there's always gonna be somebody out there for you. Let's just say that there's guys have no shame. Next question what's a dead giveaway that someone is not a good person, never taking accountability for anything? Those types of people like I.
Speaker 1:I dread being around people like that. You know like. There's people like when anything happens, they either try to like either blame it on you, blame it on the people around them, or just like try to brush it off, like it just didn't even happen, like it's whatever. Yeah, I wouldn't even my fault. Really like. I Absolutely deplore people like that. That's right word. Did I just use a good word? Anyway, I don't like.
Speaker 1:I Even know people like that. You know, in my life and unfortunately sometimes you have to work with people like that and there's nothing, a lot you could do about that. But God, those people. It like makes my skin crawl having to be around people like this. Like it could be even like the smallest thing. That's like you're really not gonna take accountability for that. Like damn you, it wasn't even like that big of a problem and somehow they still manage their way to Weasel their way out of taking the blame for it. It's like no one's gonna truly hate you if you just claim up to it Like it's, you know, that's even.
Speaker 1:Like okay, say you know, forgive me for being a little nasty, but say you're in a, in a group, and somebody farts. You know, like I know I didn't fart. And Maybe, like there's another person I know that's usually honest that say they didn't fart and it's like and a one person that probably does always farts we just got done eating beans or some shit like that. Like they're probably the ones that fart, let's just say that. And like they're obviously denying it. And it's like bro, like bro, we know you've already bro. Like come on, like what, it's not even that big of a deal, but like the fact that you're denying it, bro, it's like that's you're. You're so wack to me, just so weak, like. That's just one example. Obviously I'm not just Hardening people for denying farts, but it's just like come on, take some accountability in your life. I that's I've really kills me. I know that's such a short answer, but that really killed me just then.
Speaker 1:I'm always talking shit about people when they aren't around. That's a. That's a huge red flag. Huge red flag like I Actually like stopped being friends and or stopped being in or pursuing a relationship with some people in life just because I've seen that, that character characteristic in them. And it's such a huge like turn off for me or just even. It's just like it just pushes me away, drops me away in such a Easy like form like the second I notice you're doing that. It's like I Work with a guy there's a response to to that one.
Speaker 1:I work with a guy who's closing in on seven years old. Easily 90% of the conversation I've had with him was over the three years is shitting on never really over the top too On everyone. That isn't me. He's quite friendly to me, especially if you need something. I can't remember if I overheard him or somebody told me, but I know for sure he's just on me the same way when I'm not there. So now, every once in a while, well, I'm sharply divert. Well, I'll just sharply divert whatever we're talking about and finally ask him how many times he's called me a dumb, motherfucker, cock sucker, etc. Before I was in range of hearing it turns into a wilted petunia.
Speaker 1:I don't understand how people like this make it so far in life. Yeah, it's a, it's a, really a shame, like some people feel is like a. I think it's like it's just like a sign of low self-confidence from them that they feel like they have to put other people down to make themselves feel up, and it's. It almost feels like an elementary thing. But that type of mentality can can go far and it Just like sticks with you and turns you into a real shitty, real shitty adult, real shitty person and Can lead to people not wanting to be around you. But hey, it is what it is. I suppose Another one I guess the subtle one is them treating you differently in public versus how they treat you privately, and this can go either way.
Speaker 1:Yes, maybe not the same exact situation here, but there's somebody that I work with that like it's. It's so obvious when they do this like, say they're talking to maybe like our manager or boss or something like that, and they're speaking in such a different way. They're like hey, sir, yeah, so actually I was down by the, the golfing range last night and I just did that blah, blah, blah. And then when he comes to talking to me he's like yeah, bro, I was just wondering, man, if you could like help me out with this new task. I was just, yeah, I was just kicking it with my dogs, bro, and it's like, obviously, this is just like an exaggeration and probably they don't talk exactly like that, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say.
Speaker 1:It's like it's a natural thing for humans to want to be able to communicate and connect with a certain groups, so that you might change a little bit to connect easier. But at the same time, it's like you still got to be the person you are at the end of the day, and when you're that obvious, it's so cringe, like you're disgusting to me, like I don't want anything to do with you. You're trying so hard to act Like you were relating to me and in a sense, now I'm so unrelated to you it's, it's crazy, like I don't want anything to do with you. Now You've pushed me away instead of actually becoming my friend or or getting closer to me or connecting even closer so that that shit kills me.
Speaker 1:Another one is how someone treats another person based on their job title. Anyone who treats a server made garbage person like it like it's like the crap telling the world how much of a piece of shit they are. I'm not saying have I actually asked this question before. This sounds like a really similar answer to a Question I feel like I've asked on here before. But like yeah, treat people the way you want to be treated. I know it's like an elementary saying and like it's something that you probably heard as a child, but it's like it that goes For. So like that can apply to you in all aspects of life. It's like that's a damn shame. Just be it's. Everybody has a job, everybody needs a job. You don't. You're not better than anybody just because your job title says manager and there says you know, whatever it doesn't. It's a shame.
Speaker 1:A lot of people let the stuff go to their head Now and that's like a thing for even in the military. Like I Was having this conversation just yesterday with one of my friends and she and I were talking about how we have a problem with authority and we understand why authority needs to be the way it is and authority definitely lets systems work in a social systems work a little bit better or smoothly, but Not all authorities is the is equal and, for our example, we were talking about military authority and with the military there's like a ranking system, obviously, but the ranks really go to a lot of people's heads and with that you get people that feel like they deserve this level of respect just because their ranks are what they are. And some people you know, some people just get to a higher rank just by being in the military longer. That doesn't necessarily mean you're a good leader. And some of those people let that shit go to their heads as if, like they truly believe they're better than you and almost to the point where, like you are nothing compared to them. And it's like I don't know where this mentality comes from. Like, please, like, once we're out of this military and once we're back in like the real world, then what? Like, if you come talking to me in the same way or talking to this person in the same way, like things might go out a whole lot differently. You know, don't let this uniform or this rank system confuse you Like we're all people and it's a damn shame, and especially in the military. I feel like respect, as the conversation I was having with my friend yesterday. She was also saying that respect in the military is almost seen as it's treated as obedience. It's not really even like respect, it's like obedience. You just listen to what they say. Don't ask questions, or else you're being disrespectful. Don't try to change the flow of things, or else you're being disrespectful. You're disrespecting an order from a senior and it's like the rest of the world don't work like this man. It's a damn shame how military leadership has become this way. But I digress Leadership in a lot of aspects, and not just a military, could be changed and yeah, it goes a long way.
Speaker 1:Another answer treating people well only if they benefit from them in some way, if they treat you well, but treat random people like shit. They aren't good people and they'll treat you like shit too if you ever stop being useful to them. Yeah, that's just another thing of like treating people lower than you as if they're worthless or less than it kind of goes along the same line. If they met somebody that was higher than them, I'm sure they would treat them super nicely in hopes of maybe getting something from them like a raise or a promotion, and that is so not me. Maybe I just don't feel like I'm a good fit for at least maybe not the corporate world, or maybe just not the job that I'm. The role that I'm doing in my current job Just feel like a good fit because I just don't feel like I mend well with that system and it kind of bodes well with that same answer just then, treating people differently when you need something from them and not treating them the same way.
Speaker 1:There's just too much of that going on in the world that I'm working in now and I'm not a good fit right now, which is why, hopefully, I will make it out there eventually and I'll just keep manifesting the life that I actually want to live, which is doing more things that I want to do, which is making more videos, making more entertainment, making more things that people would like to see every day, and I truly enjoy making videos and all that. So I just want to keep doing this and finding more ways to benefit, to provide some sort of entertainment and or beneficial means to other people. It just makes me feel good to do this. So, yeah, guys, first episode since being back from London and the first episode of my 30s which is crazy to think about, and many more to come I'm still on a high from that trip to London, guys. It was such a breath of fresh air to just be away from working and seeing my family again and just being able to do things for my family that I've wanted to do for a long time and getting golds done.
Speaker 1:Another one, for example we took a train underneath the I want to say it's the English Channel to France, and we took the train all the way to Paris and we got to see the Eiffel Tower. I've been to Paris before, but my mom got to see the Eiffel Tower for the first time she got to be in Paris. We got to eat all this delicious food. We got to see Arc de Triomphe we, we, we, yes Haha, just kidding we got to see so many different sites, took all that absolute crap ton of pictures. Yeah, it was just an amazing trip altogether.
Speaker 1:Guys, if you can I don't know if this is something that is a priority to you, but it's a priority to me, so maybe you can make more of an effort to try to do it. But if you guys can try to travel guys I know I probably said it before in a different episode, but traveling is such an eye opener and I think it's a blessing to be able to do that while you can. So, if you can, please find a way to just make it out to somewhere that you haven't been, whether it doesn't even have to be that far away from where you are now. Just try to see the world from a different lens, you know, and that can help you gain perspective and make you a more well rounded person. Really, you know it's. Even if that's not what you're going for, I think you'll benefit from it regardless.
Speaker 1:But what do I know? I'm not a doctor, I'm not a psychologist, I'm not a new. I'm just me talking on this podcast, drinking green red bulls Actually delicious. This is cactus fruit, because I got it from a German grocery store, but I'm assuming that's just cactus fruit. I know cactus cacti were so delicious.
Speaker 1:Speaking of cacti, I got I don't know if you see my little cacti. This is cacti and cacti. I need to think of names for them, but they're pretty cool. Got my man's here. Is it in focus? Who knows. Look at this guy, he's here. He's purple, purple cactus. We also got this guy here. He's got a little cucumber friend hanging off of him. He's got to think of names.
Speaker 1:If you guys can help me think of names posted in the comment, what do you think I should name my cacti, my cacti, my cacti's, that's. I shouldn't have said that. Yeah, guys, what should I name my cacti's? Please let me know, put in the comment section. But also, please smash that like button, please, guys. It helps me more than it helps you, and don't you want to help me? Don't you want to see me smiling? Don't you want to see me filming these episodes on an island, drinking delicious drinks underneath an umbrella with the beach waves flowing? You know I could do that there, but only if you like the like, but only if you smash the like button and hit subscribe. Guys, that's the only way this is going to work.
Speaker 1:If there's anything, any such suggestions or any questions or any you know things that is going on in your life that you would like for me to speak on in this podcast, my email is night night shift shift at gmailcom. My tiktok is night shift PC. My Instagram is the night shift dot PC and my Twitter is the night shift P, so please, guys, hit those up. They'll also be in the description as well, for your easy access. You know, and yeah, guys, this is first episode of my 30s man, oh man, no, no, no, that thing about in my back kind of hurt just in here a little bit. I don't know what you mean. This 30s, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta exercise more just to stay limber. Man, damn, who would have thought, who would have thought 30s would have hit so hard? I'm just gonna drink my drink until the episode fades away. I'm still here an.